Due to extreme caution being exercised during the Covid-19 pandemic, most group extracurricular offerings have been suspended at this time. When normalcy returns, we will again offer soccer, chess, cyber club, gymnastics, tennis, and art club.
Library activities have been modified to reduce contact among students. Books are being taken to classrooms for student selection.
We offer Spanish classes with Ms. Gabriela Shaw, a native speaker from Mexico. Her bio may be found in the faculty section. She teaches classes for students ages 6 and up.
We have our music teacher, Ms. Ariana Thomas, come to the classrooms to provide music lessons to our students. Her bio may be found in the faculty section. She works closely with Ms. Angela McRee.
Ms. Kyla Cummins Zollitsch provides piano lessons to students during the school day. Parents pay Kyla directly for the lessons. Ages 5 and up are invited to take lessons.
A vital music program is important to our commitment to providing a whole child education, and we value the contributions of our talented staff to this endeavor.