COVID-19 update
Posted May 6, 2020 in School News
“As we observe children, we see the vitality of their spirit, the maximum effort put forth in all they do, the intuition, attention and focus they bring to all life’s events, and the sheer joy they experience in living.” — Dr. Maria Montessori The Child, Society and the World (Unpublished Speeches and Writing)
Due to COVID-19, the Montessori School of Rome continues distance learning through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. We appreciate so much the efforts of our faculty and staff, parents, grandparents, family members and our dedicated students for their commitment to keep learning going during these difficult times.
For Admissions information, please email to make arrangements for a tour with our administrator, Melanie Haigwood. We currently have a waiting list for Primary, and very limited openings in our Toddler and Elementary programs. We are accepting admissions for the 2020-2021 school year, and we plan to open in August for the next school year.
Thank you!
Ms. Melanie Haigwood